And so we left Matjiesvlei on Saturday morning and tackled the last stretch back home. Ebony, our Jack Russell was over whelmed to see us and ran around like a “mad dog”. Khula, the cat was a lot more aloof and did not show such uncontrolled emotion as the dog. She was a lot more reserved and just came to sit on the washing basket when I had a bath last night. Sort of “this is our bonding time” Clearly they were both well looked after and even more spoilt by our house sitters, first Roberta and then Mieke.
It is a strange feeling to walk back into your house after you have been away on holiday for so long, or rather, it was for us. Obviously not used to such long holidays. It is nearly a feeling of what do we do now? Open the mail, put it aside because it is only bank statements and IRP5s and new bank rates and junk mail. Nothing really changes, only yourself due to your different experiences. The rest of life just goes on as per normal. Luckily my mom had left us some supper for the evening, so we did not have to think about that and then it was off to a hot bath and our own bed. What a lovely feeling that was.
So this is the end of the 100 day holiday that ended up as 102 days. Thanks to the friends and family that followed us around on our trip. Thanks for the feedback that I got from some of you and apologies for all the spelling errors and incorrect grammar usage. Most of the time the writing took place late at night with minimal light after a few glasses of wine and often it was only posted days after it was written, due to no connectivity.
So for now it is:”Fluit fluit, my storie is uit” until a next time. Now it is Unemployment, the garden, a haircut, back to the gym, catching up on all the travel magazines and then a job to get some money saved up for another trip and who can say where that will be to, but believe me the planning will start shortly!!!